Gal Gadot - Reddit
Keep it classy, be respectful to Gal and your fellow Redditors Submissions and comments that are abusive, harassing, sexually explicit, or inappropriate are removed and can result in a ban: no …
Gal Gadot is overrated. : r/unpopularopinion - Reddit
Sep 14, 2019 · Gal Gadot is overrated. This will get a ton of downvotes, but whatever it's my opinion. Gal isn't a good actress, she can't speak English, she's not even pretty, and Wonder …
gal gadot : r/VindictaRateCelebs - Reddit
Anyone who thinks Gal Gadot is a 7 or below needs to get a reality check... if you saw her in real life she would be one of the prettiest people you'd ever come across in your life. Even if she …
Is Gal Gadot the worse mainstream actress? : r/movies - Reddit
Gal Gadot felt to me more like a blank slate on which to place Wonder Woman rather than someone who could bring anything to the role. This was an unpopular opinion at the time so I …
Pro-Palestinians comments on Gal Gadot's new daughter : r/Israel
I saw some people talking about this on this subreddit, so I checked Gal Gadot's Instagram post about the birth of her new daughter. I was disgusted when I saw the comments. People telling …
Thoughts on treatment of Gal Gadot from Israelis? : r/Israel - Reddit
Feb 5, 2022 · Gal gadot tweeting pro-Israel talking points is a meaningless endeavor. It wont change minds. As it stands the big political benefit gal gadot gives us is that people who are …
BEST FACE: Gal Gadot Vs. Morena Baccarin : r/CelebBattles - Reddit
Gal Gadot 133 48.72% (2602)+0.08 Morena Baccarin won by 7 votes! Results are considered decisive after 24 ...
So, how do you feel about Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman?
Sep 24, 2022 · Gal Gadot looks the part but I agree a better actress would give the character more range. I think she respects the chapter and understands the burden/obligation that …
Gal Gadot : r/VindictaRateCelebs - Reddit
Aug 24, 2022 · 42 votes, 69 comments. 36K subscribers in the VindictaRateCelebs community. A FEMALE-ONLY Vindicta forum where we can post, rate and discuss…
Gal Gadot (Wonder Woman) type? She’s 5’10/178 cm. I feel D or FN.
Nov 9, 2020 · Gadot doesn’t have a waist. If you look at Gadot’s photos even after pregnancy she maintains her very slim, rectangular and narrow figure. She can’t be a FN or N either. Naturals …