Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. : IndianOil - The Energy of India
Welcome to the world of IndianOil, an integrated oil company in India and across the globe has its presence in almost all the streams of oil, gas, petrochemicals and alternative energy sources.
About us - IndianOil | Oil and Gas Company in India
The company is the leading oil and gas PSU from India featuring on 116 position in the Fortune 'Global 500' list. It has maintained its leadership in the ‘BW Top 500’ for the third consecutive year and has been recognized as the most respected oil and gas company by Business World.
Latest Job Openings : IndianOil | Oil and Gas Job Vacancies
Selection for the post of Director (Finance) in Indian Oil Corporation Limited. Government of India, Public Enterprises Selection Board invites applications for the post of Director (Finance) in Indian Oil Corporation Limited. Last date of receipt of applications in PESB is 16th Jan 2023, 15:00 hours. For details login to website http://www ...
IndianOil Major Projects | Refineries | Pipelines | Oil and Gas
Brief Description:Indian Oil is setting up an Integrated 10 Tons per day Demonstration plant for conversion of Lignocellulosic Biomass to ethanol via enzymatic and Fermentation route based on the technology developed by R&D center of lndianOil.
Indian Oil
Today, IndianOil accounts for the largest market share of India’s petroleum product consumption. As a ‘Maharatna’ company, we address the multiple energy needs of the nation with our integrated business model, leading from the front as a responsible energy major.
Careers | Indian Oil | Petrolium Company in india
As a result, IndianOil's top executives have grown from within and reached up to Board Level position, not only within Indian Oil but also in other Public Sector Undertakings, which is a testimony to the unlimited growth opportunities available to …
Pipeline Projects under Implementation - IndianOil
The project involves laying a new 17.5 MMTPA crude oil pipeline from Mundra in Gulf of Kutch to Panipat in Haryana at a cost of around INR 9000 crore to meet the enhanced crude oil requirement of Panipat Refinery.
Contact Us : IndianOil | Oil and Gas Company in India
IndianOil is an Indian public sector oil and gas company headquartered in New Delhi. Our business interests overlap the entire hydrocarbon value-chain, including refining, pipeline transportation, marketing of petroleum products, exploration and production of crude oil, natural gas and petrochemicals.
Leadership : IndianOil | Indian Oil Corporation Ltd
Shri V. Satish Kumar has laid special focus on improving brand equity of IndianOil due to which the IndianOil’s brand strength index attained 9th rank in 2023 and moved up to 3rd rank in top brands in Oil & Gas companies across the world.
About us - IndianOil | Oil and Gas Company in India
IndianOil cross-country network of crude Oil and product pipelines is spread over 10,000 Km. The Corporation handles the largest network of petrol and diesel stations in the country.