Hopis Protest Mimicking of Sacred Dance : Culture clash: Indians …
Aug 24, 1990 · The Hopis have closed the ceremony to non-Indians, charging disrespectful behavior by tourists and those seeking to profit from the dance.
50 Years Ago | Forced relocation ends Navajo-Hopi land fight
May 26, 2022 · Congress passed the Hopi-Navajo Land Settlement Act, which, among other things, created the Navajo-Hopi Indian Relocation Office with the main goal of relocating Navajo families and a...
Occupation of Alcatraz (November 1969 – June 1971)
On November 20th, after securing a boat to take 89 American Indians and their supporters to the Island, a 19-month long Red Power protest began, led by Richard Oakes.
Among those imprisoned in the camp between 1941 and 1949 were a small number of Hopi Indians from northern Arizona who had been convicted of draft evasion when their religious objections to military service were rejected by the courts.1 The Hopi internees included two formally educated men, Chester Mote and Thomas Banyacya (then known as Thomas ...
We Hold the Rock - Alcatraz Island (U.S. National Park Service)
The largest single group of Indian prisoners sentenced to confinement on Alcatraz occurred in January 1895 when the U.S. government arrested, tried and shipped nineteen Moqui Hopi to Alcatraz Island. Indian people continued to be confined as prisoners in the disciplinary barracks on the island through the remainder of the 1800s and the early 1900s.
Activists call for stop to Native American costumes they say …
Oct 30, 2018 · They were backed by an unseen contingent: More than 23,000 people across the country have signed an online petition calling for Yandy.com of Phoenix to stop selling more than 40 Native American costumes that organizers say misrepresent and sexualize indigenous people.
Hopis tell Navajos: ‘Lease or leave’ - High Country News
Mar 31, 1997 · Imagine waking up one morning and discovering you’re an illegal alien. That’s essentially what happened 23 years ago to more than 10,000 Navajos and 100 Hopis when Congress passed Public Law 93-531...
Hopis protest Grand Canyon plans - navajotimes.com
"Ongtuvqa, the Grand Canyon, and Paayutuvqa, the Little Colorado River Gorge, are sacred places and considered aboriginal lands," Hopi Tribal Chairman LeRoy Shingoitewa states in …
1923 - A Hopi writer protest the Smoki Dance... and most
Mar 8, 2017 · For two years, citizens of Prescott, Arizona's first territorial capital, have reproduced the rain ceremonial of the Hopi Indians, the snake dance, by means which the desert tribe indicates its compliance with the commands of its principal deity.
Effort to return Hopi artifacts stirs questions - USA TODAY
Dec 29, 2012 · PHOENIX -- On an unknown date at an unidentified location, the U.S. government turned over a collection of undisclosed Sinagua artifacts to anonymous members of the Hopi Tribe for unspecified...
50 Years Ago | Diné, traditionalists join forces, dispute Hopi ...
Navajo leaders met with Hopi traditionalists this week in an effort to get support from the Bureau of Indian Affairs for the Navajo solution to the century-old land dispute.
Marching in support of Indian rights — Calisphere
The estimated 300 demonstrators at yesterday's rally carried signs bearing numerous messages relating to Indians' rights and protesting a law that requires Indians to leave their lands in northeastern Arizona by July 6."
Native Americans Protest A Planned Auction Of Sacred Objects In …
May 25, 2016 · At Tuesday's meeting, Bradley Marshall and Leilani Pole of the Hoopa Valley Tribal Council described the history of their tribe's devastation by U.S. laws, and the pilfering of their sacred items...
Diné and Hopi protest further dismantling of their basic right to …
Apr 5, 2012 · A group of Diné and Hopi people ( including traditional people and elders) upset by the latest colonial attack on indigenous peoples water rights, gathered to protest the visits of two US Senators to the Navajo Nation today.
Hopi Fight for Survival and Peace in the next Millennium
Apr 2, 2010 · For over 100 years, the Hopi Tribe has protested Navajo encroachment on Hopi ancestral lands. No single battle has been more contentious, expensive, misunderstood, and exhausting than the Navajo-Hopi battle over ownership of land.
High court rules against Hopi Tribe in snowmaking challenge
Nov 29, 2018 · The Hopi Tribe has lost a legal battle against snowmaking at a northern Arizona ski resort. The Arizona Supreme Court ruled against the tribe Thursday in a case that focused on whether the Hopi distinguished its interest in the area …
Due to Goldwater, Hopis favored to win land dispute - Navajo Times
Mar 3, 2022 · Barry Goldwater, the senior senator from Arizona, has made it clear that he supports the Hopi position, which calls for the removal of Navajo families from half of the 1.8 million acres in...
Hopi - Wikipedia
Hopi is a concept deeply rooted in the culture's religion, spirituality, and its view of morality and ethics. To be Hopi is to strive toward this concept, which involves a state of total reverence for all things, peace with these things, and life in accordance with the instructions of Maasaw, the Creator or Caretaker of Earth.
Tribes Stand Strong for Bears Ears National Monument
Jan 10, 2024 · The Hopi Tribe, Pueblo of Zuni, and Ute Mountain Ute Tribe, represented by the Native American Rights Fund (NARF) continue to fight to protect the invaluable Bears Ears National Monument; protections that Native people advocated to create for many decades.
Marching in support of Indian rights — Calisphere
Large group of demonstrators from the Los Angeles Big Mountain Support Group protest in front of downtown Federal Building to speak out against relocation of Navajo and Hopi Indians. Photograph dated June 24, 1986.