LSD - Crystal to Blotter | Bluelight.org
Oct 14, 2001 · Crystal to Blotter [LSD] _____ The information in this thread was generously provided by Chinacat72, a member of Mycotopia forum, in 2005. "I will discuss LSD crystal and what happens with it. This info is from my experiences a long time ago.I can safely offer it because I have retired from this line of work and stay far away from it.
LSD blotter art appreciation thread. | Page 2 | Bluelight.org
Mar 12, 2007 · Every variety of pop art and ideology became fair game, as LSD blotter art spread like wild fire. LSD is a powerful spiritual experi- ence for many, and for some this experience has political overtones. It also seems to enhance the creative process. Occult or religious symbols, moire patterns, and fractal designs have been exploited on blotter art.
LSD | Bluelight.org
Dec 16, 2024 · This means that if the product is 75% LSD and 25% iso-LSD, a blotted laid with 110ug will contain only 82.5ug of LSD, and a blotter laid with 250ug only 187.5ug and so on. This obviously explains the difference in potency between blotters laid with the same amount of LSD bought from different vendors.
Lysergamides "Needlepoint" LSD and other bollocks
Oct 29, 2018 · That being said I’ve also had blotter from two different sources that’s the same ug (supposedly, and these are not obtained from street dealers), that both tested positive as clean LSD-25, which have distinctly different trip “characteristics” (compared within the same setting, also friends telling me certain blotter was much better ...
the art of putting lsd on blotter - Bluelight.org
Jun 8, 2000 · 100mcg hits? HELL NO! This aint the 60's son, yer lucky to get 25-50ug per hit! As for HOW they do it - I have seen this before.. the crystals are disolved in ethonal, I have NO IDEA what their math worked out to be, but it was a small amount of crystals in a fair amount of fluid - one drop wouldnt do you at all.. the blotter is sandwiched between two pieces of glass, so that only the edge is ...
What Different Forms Of LSD (Acid) Are There? | Bluelight.org
Nov 20, 2015 · It's all LSD, just held in different suspensions. If it were in tablets, it would simply be LSD mixed in with something that can be pressed into a pill. If it were liquid, it's simply LSD dissolved in a solvent. If it's on a tab, it was LSD dissolved in a liquid that is then spread over the paper and left to dry, leaving behind LSD-infused paper.
How do you usually take LSD blotters? | Bluelight.org
Jun 26, 2008 · Apparently most of the LSD is absorbed sublingually quite quickly, in a matter of seconds, and spitting it out results in no appreciable loss of potency. I've tried it this way and tripped quite well, and a friend of mine, quite experienced with LSD, swears by this method.
LSD storage and purity/potency issues. | Bluelight.org
Apr 24, 2001 · The d- isomer of LSD (hence d-lysergic acid diethlaymide) is the only one psychoactive in the quantities we see in blotter paper (50-400ug). Thus, all blotter paper should contain LSD with the exact same properties. There simply aren't any other chemicals which are so psychadelically potent at these doses.
Lysergamides White fluff LSD vs Needlepoint LSD - Bluelight.org
Nov 9, 2013 · Yeah the argument works with heroin and speed because any moron can reach a hand into a bag of heroin, take out a handful of heroin and put back a handful of glucose powder. You try reaching a hand into a blotter of LSD. It doesn't work. Y'follow? And until very recently there hasn't been any other drug but LSD active at blotter dosage.
[LSD Subthread] Storage in Tin Foil & Myths | Bluelight.org
Oct 3, 2007 · Acid/LSD stored in Tin Foil - Problem or Myth? This is almost certainly a myth. Look around on the internet, there seems to be no solid argument why tin foil would catalyze degradation. Moisture, Oxygen, Light and Heat. Those are the catalysts for degradation of LSD.