Quantum network - Wikipedia
Quantum networks form an important element of quantum computing and quantum communication systems. Quantum networks facilitate the transmission of information in the form of quantum bits, also called qubits, between physically separated quantum processors.
An introduction to quantum networks and how they work
Aug 11, 2023 · Quantum networking connects systems and transmits data among them using quantum phenomena. This concept differs from classical network technology based on photon or electron transmission. Currently, commercial quantum networking mainly refers to quantum-secured networks.
Quantum Communications and Networks - NIST
Jun 4, 2024 · The Quantum Communication and Networks Project develops quantum devices and studies them for use in quantum communications and networking applications. Our goal is to bridge the gap between fundamental quantum mechanics/information theory and their practical applications in information technology.
Glimpse of next-generation internet — Harvard Gazette
May 15, 2024 · It’s one thing to dream up a next-generation quantum internet capable of sending highly complex, hacker-proof information around the world at ultra-fast speeds. It’s quite another to physically show it’s possible.
Quantum networking: A roadmap to a quantum internet
Nov 1, 2023 · Discover the three stages of quantum networking: Physical Layer, Link Layer, and Network Layer - Quantum Internet.
Primer on Quantum Networking | Center for Quantum Networks
A quantum network enables and links together diverse quantum technologies, including computing, sensing, and secure communication. What is the essential technical resource that is provided by a quantum network?
Quantum network is step towards ultrasecure internet - Nature
Feb 17, 2021 · Physicists have taken a major step towards a future quantum version of the Internet by linking three quantum devices in a network. A quantum internet would enable ultrasecure communications...
[2212.01226] Quantum NETwork: from theory to practice
Dec 2, 2022 · In this work, we aim to provide an up-to-date review of the field of quantum networks from both theoretical and experimental perspectives, contributing to a better understanding of the building blocks required for the establishment of a global quantum internet.
DOE Explains...Quantum Networks | Department of Energy
Quantum networks use uniquely quantum phenomena, like superposition, no-cloning, and entanglement that are not available to classical networks. Before the photon is measured, it exists in a superposition of all its possible quantum states, each with a corresponding probability.
Distributed quantum computing across an optical network link
5 days ago · The distributed quantum computing (DQC) architecture, shown in Fig. 1, addresses this challenge by enabling large quantum computations to be executed by a network of quantum processing modules 1,2 ...