One Piece è un'opera amata da persone di tutte le età, un vero classico. Non sorprende che anche i cosplayer lo adorino, data ...
Oichi propone il proprio cosplay di Hermione da Harry Potter in tre magnifici scatti fotografici che mostrano la ragazza ...
Her nimble build helps keep Oichi light on her toes but her attacks aren’t as strong to take down bigger enemies like bosses easily. Her speed should help players maneuver around the battlefield ...
These are good for characters who typically have ranged weapons like Ina who uses a bow or Oichi who uses hoops that twirl around enemies. The Wisdom Emblem will help with Musou power in a variety ...
Goemon Ishikawa is based on the legendary thief in Japanese mythology. He’s also the same character that the Konami-based Ganbare Goemon series is based on. This version of Goemon is a bit ...