Der Gesundheitsausschuss empfiehlt dem Bundesrat, am Freitag einer Entschließung zuzustimmen, die die Bundesregierung ...
Enthält Ihre Hausapotheke auch genügend Kräuter für den Fall einer Erkältung oder einer Bronchitis? Wenn Sie sich bei Erkrankungen der Atemwege nämlich in die Hände der Schulmedizin begeben, erhalten ...
You may experience symptoms such as cough, sleepiness, breathlessness, chest condition, and slow walking with emphysema or bronchitis. A spirometry test is one way to distinguish the type of lung ...
When you first start coughing, feel fatigued, and notice a low-grade fever, it can be hard to determine whether you have the common cold or bronchitis. A cold can potentially turn into bronchitis.
Odds are you’ve had a few sinus infections or bouts of bronchitis. Both are more common -- and often more severe -- in people with a weaker immune system due to HIV. Doctors usually treat them ...
With winter illnesses sharing similar symptoms, it can be difficult to distinguish a common cold from bronchitis. Knowing the difference is vital, as bronchitis, an inflammation of the bronchial ...
If you’ve been dealing with a persistent nasty cough, you may be wondering whether it’s just a seasonal cold or something more serious, like bronchitis. Knowing the difference is crucial ...
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) can result from chronic bronchitis or emphysema. Some people may also have COPD and asthma, which can worsen both conditions. Chronic obstructive ...
Parallel zum Lungenemphysem kann dazu noch eine chronisch obstruktive Bronchitis auftreten. Beide Krankheiten fallen unter den Begriff „COPD“ („chronic obstructive pulmonary disease“) und ...
Dadurch wird der Körper nicht ausreichend mit Sauerstoff versorgt. Oft tritt parallel eine chronisch obstruktive Bronchitis auf. Beide Erkrankungen sind irreversibel, wie Lungenärzte im Netz ...
CINCINNATI (WKRC) — Residents in the Tri-State area experiencing a persistent cough may be dealing with bronchitis, a common illness that often follows a cold or the flu. "It's common every year ...