The National Incident-Based Reporting System for crime statistics collected by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement showed a decrease in crime last year for the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office.
Eduardo Silva gave his final tour aboard the Conch Tour Train on Jan. 31, having joined the Conch Tour Train in 1999. At the end of his 26-year career, Silva had given 12,605 tours of the island to ...
Recovering an Endangered Species in an Endangered Ecosystem” will be the fifth lecture of “A Delicate Balance of Nature” talk series on Wednesday, Feb. 12. In its 34th year, the series is sponsored by ...
Like the Long Key Bridge, the Seven Mile Bridge links two geographical areas. The Long Key Bridge is the conduit linking the Upper Keys to those islands identified as the Middle Keys. The Seven Mile ...
In 1700, the English merchant slave ship Henrietta Marie sank 35 miles west of Key West, shortly after offloading 190 captured Africans in Jamaica. Nearly 325 years later, using the shipwreck and ...
The Florida Keys Wild Bird Rehabilitation Center (FKWBRC) takes in roughly 1,000 injured or sick birds every year. The birds that can be nursed back to health are eventually released back into the ...
Sherlock Holmes has become more of a genre than the singular character created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The quick-witted Brit, whose intellect and deductive reasoning cracks the most complex cases, ...
No matter how many individuals appear in the pages of each edition of Keys Weekly, there are always so many more of our community members who deserve to be recognized. In an effort to shine a ...
The strongest ladies in the Keys competed at their respective regional weightlifting meets on Feb. 1, going against the best athletes in South Florida. When the chalk dust cleared and the final ...
Growing public interest prompted the Feb. 4 meeting of the local hospital district board to take place at the Tennessee Williams Theater. More than 100 people attended the meeting to encourage the ...
Islamorada council members supported a plan to hire a Fort Lauderdale resident with municipal management experience as interim manager. The council’s 4-0 vote during a special Jan. 30 meeting directed ...
Florida Keys coral restoration groups and scientists from the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary planted resilient, ...