Here’s what the Merriam-Webster dictionary said: “Sarcasm can be traced back to the Greek verb sarkazein, which initially ...
The 142 nd death anniversary of Karl Marx was observed at the State Teachers’ Union (STU) office here on Friday (March 14). The Indian Society for Cultural Cooperation and Friendship (ISCUF) and the ...
The beloved bagels of Block's Bagels will soon make a comeback as Cincinnati-based Marx Bagels prepares to move into the ...
Now, Cincinnati-based Marx Bagels will take over the bagel shop at 6115 McNaughten Road, according to a Columbus Reddit post. Though Block's Bagels will change its name, the bagel recipes are expected ...
The Lodi Community Action Team (LCAT) hoped its town hall meeting would bring parents and teens together in finding answers to the growing problem of drug and alcohol abuse. LCAT coordinator Steven ...
Can you feel it? There is a palpable dread that the ruling class, which owns financial and industrial capital, will continue to invest in destroying the ...
Former Bay Area resident Jamie Marx is the cantor behind some of the most popular Purim spiels, used at hundreds of ...
I had talked to him a couple of times, then one day, in August 2017, Jimmy  Centeno turned up in my office at the University ...
A s antisemitism has been ratcheting up over the last few years, I’ve been thinking a lot about Karl Marx’s essay “On the ...
Sebastiano Timpanaro’s politics were one of the great organizing principles of his life. After his entrance into the Italian ...
Dr. Sebastian Marx, ITM's chief business officer and member of the Executive Board, is stepping down effective July 20, 2025 ...
That’s a line from an old Groucho Marx movie. “If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn’t sit for a month.” Former President Theodore ...