President Bill Clinton and Vice President Al Gore promised to eradicate government waste and cut down the size of government.
A pair of ivory cotton boxer shorts once belonging to President John F. Kennedy sold for $9,100 at auction. The undergarments ...
The numbers are very bad. According to the Quinnipiac poll, 57% of registered voters have an unfavorable opinion of the ...
From the cries of Democrats and what’s left of the shrinking liberal media, you’d think every federal worker is vital for the ...
In fact, as my father knew, bureaucracies are worse than Dracula. They produce nothing of value to the economy, never die and ...
Almost everything that the Deep State — also known as the “New World Order” — has manipulated and planned for at least 90 ...
Since taking office a little over a month ago, President Donald Trump and his appointees have been unusually active. So ...
Sanberg’s arrest came after his alleged co-conspirator, Ibrahim Ameen AlHusseini, 51, of Venice, pleaded guilty to wire fraud ...
Bill Clinton and Al Gore, two Southern white men with card ... Democratic values were always negotiable. It wasn't until Barack Obama came along and changed the paradigm in 2008, winning by ...
The excellent third installment of the acclaimed historical series about civil rights in America is so full of details that ...