The AFC/M23 rebellion in eastern DR Congo has "categorically reject the unfounded allegations" presented in Human Rights Watch's (HRW) report, on Wednesday, March 12, claiming that the rebel alliance ...
L'Angola a annoncé mardi 11 mars qu'il allait rétablir des contacts avec les responsables du M23, ce groupe rebelle soutenu par le Rwanda qui contrôle Goma et Bukavu dans l'est de la RD Congo. L'objec ...
Persistent governance failures, corruption, and empty promises have destabilized eastern DR Congo for decades and the government in Kinshasa has not only failed to dismantle the "more than 200 armed ...
The M23 armed group has pushed deeper into the Democratic Republic of Congo’s mineral-rich region after capturing the key ...
À 60 km de Goma, les mines autour de la cité minière de Rubaya semblent tourner à plein régime. Tombée entre les mains des ...
Southern African heads of state will consider a recommendation to withdraw troops from eastern DRC in the coming days.
Goma’s takeover by the M23 rebels represents more than a typical political crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo because it holds deep personal significance for me. The fall of Goma reminds ...
Des soldats sud-africains "gravement blessés" ont été évacués de Goma dans l'est de la République démocratique du Congo où quatorze militaires de Pretoria ont été tués depuis le début ...
"There are places that smell of corposes, the dirt of abandonned military uniforms and you can see the ruins of abandonned houses and looted shops," Ahadi Kyambikwa, a tailor from Goma, Democratic ...
GOMA, Congo (AP) — The Rwanda-backed rebels who captured eastern Congo's major city of Goma have targeted relatives of fleeing Congolese soldiers, the families say, with the troops' wives chased ...