For optical astronomy, the space station will be accompanied by the Xuntian telescope, which can be translated to “survey the ...
Enrico Chesta, Véronique Ferlet-Cavrois and Markus Brugger highlight seven ways CERN and ESA are working together to further fundamental exploration and innovation in space technologies. Sky map The ...
Mark Thomson is professor of experimental particle physics at the University of Cambridge and was executive chair of the UK’s Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) until his confirmation as ...
A report from the ATLAS experiment. Fig. 1. Simulated monopole pair-production signature for PbPb ultraperipheral collisions in the ATLAS pixel detector. Credit: ATLAS Collab./CERN Magnetic monopoles ...
The World Wide Web, AI and quantum computing – what do these technologies have in common? They all started out as “hacks”, says Jiannan Zhang, founder of the open-source community platform DoraHacks. ...
A report from the CMS experiment. Fig. 1. Limits on stop pair production with decays through top quarks and LSPs. The colour scale shows 95% CL upper limits on the product of the cross-section and ...
Fig. 1. World compilation of the isolated-photon cross-section at midrapidity, scaled by (√s) n to approximately reveal the gluon PDF. n = 4.5. Credit: D D’Enterria/ALICE Collab. In high-energy ...
The CLOUD experiment CERN’s Proton Synchrotron mimics the effect of cosmic rays on atmospheric gases. Credit: M Brice/CERN-PHOTO-202204-064-2 In a paper published in the journal Nature, the CLOUD ...