Daniel C. Swinton, chief consulting officer at the education consulting firm TNG, which manages the Association of Title IX Administrators, or ATIXA, kicked off the session by acknowledging the ...
Three former officials from the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR), who played key roles in ...
The USDA is currently investigating the public university in Orono as part of a broader federal investigation into the ...
The schools may be violating Title VI of the Civil Rights Act by partnering with an organization that gives doctoral students insight toward obtaining a Ph.D. but limits eligibility based on race.
Maine is the subject of three federal probes after its governor told Trump, "we'll see you in court," over transgender ...
Duke administrators noted that while the changes will likely shift some of the University's policies, they do not expect ...
Hiring a Title IX Coordinator for your team requires thoughtful planning, an open mind, and strategic foresight. Through repeated collaborations ...
Reverting back to the 2020 regulations, Title IX departments nationwide and education administrators were required to ...
In January, the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky struck down the most recent version of the law, ...
As The Washington Post notes, section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prohibits any entity receiving federal funds from discriminating against people with disabilities. Section 504 also says ...