Humpback whale dies

A group of whale watchers, look in horror as a huge humpback whale emerges from the water and swallows two kayakers whole!
A humpback whale appeared to swallow then spit out a kayaker in a viral video filmed off the coast of Chile. But was he actually in any danger?
An incredible video has surfaced showing a humpback whale swallowing a kayaker ... But of course, I thought it was a killer whale, an Orca, because we had been speaking about Orcas only moments ...
I can’t remember if I’ve seen a whale”. A close encounter with one of these larger-than-life leviathans is a life-changing ...
A humpback whale and her calf are two of thousands of whales who create a newly discovered "conveyor belt," carrying huge ...
Baleen whales undertake some of the longest migrations of any mammal, traveling thousands of miles between nutrient-rich ...