While the DCEU Batman was controversial, the multiverse and elements of that portrayal could redeem Ben Affleck through ...
Batman's Golden Age comic books are some of the most overlooked aspects of his history. While the introduction of Robin did arguably prematurely push things a bit closer to the goofy tone of the ...
The precise era of the Golden Age is disputed, though most agree that it was born with the launch of Superman in 1938. Created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, Superman is possibly the most ...
No longer were Batman and Robin just those two heroes who occasionally helped out Superman. On the brink of cancellation just two years earlier, suddenly the DC Comics characters were the hottest ...
Joel Schumacher, director of Batman movies Batman Forever, Batman and Robin, and many other famous […] “Look, I apologize. I want to apologize to every fan that was disappointed because I ...